LOOKING BACK: Tuition over the years

Tuition over the years:


In state: $9,250

Out of state: $23,660


In state: $8,980

Out of state: $23,650


In state: $8,558

Out of state: $22,538


In state: $8,214

Out of state: $21,666

Source: Daily News, collegecalc.org, nces.ed.gov


After sweeping budget cuts and annual tuition increases of around 4.5 percent, students received a break starting this year.

Ball State’s Board of Trustees approved a 2 percent increase for 2013-14 and 2014-15, the lowest increase since 1976.

The increase, though unusual, was still more than Indiana University-Bloomington’s 1.75 percent increase and Purdue University’s freeze on tuition.

Indiana gave Ball State an increase in appropriations, which allowed the university to keep prices lower.

Randy Howard, vice president for business affairs and treasurer, said June 2013 that the small increase was a result of several factors including a rise in enrollment.

“I would say the state funding situation is starting to get a little better,” he said at the time. “I think we still have challenges with the funding formula.”


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