Football team participates in Operation Jungle Red

  A representative of Operation Jungle Red paints a student
A representative of Operation Jungle Red paints a student

The football team joined the pledge to prevent violence against women by getting their nails painted red Tuesday and Wednesday.

Nick Chapel, a junior wide receiver, said the team wanted to help raise awareness. In total, 603 people pledged for Operation Jungle Red.

“We wanted to show we are man enough to show we’re against it,” he said.

J.C. Wade, a senior strong safety, also said the football team participated to show they’re against domestic abuse.

“Women are very important in all aspects and hitting women is always wrong,” he said.

The third annual Operation Jungle Red was hosted by Eta Sigma Gamma, along with FIJI fraternity, the Office of Victim Services and peer health educators from the Amelia T. Wood Health Center. Set up at the Scramble Light on Tuesday and Wednesday, men could pledge to prevent violence.

About 29 percent of American women have experienced rape, physical violence or stalking by someone they are intimate with, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One in four American women have been the victim of physical violence.

“We have said again and again that 30 percent of women have been abused in a relationship globally,” said Jagdish Khubchandani, an assistant professor of community health education and faculty adviser. “[People need to] keep it in their heart. ... We have to respect [women].”

Ball State’s Operation Jungle Red isn’t alone. Western Connecticut State University, Miami University, Northeastern Illinois University and Northern Illinois University all participate in the event as well.


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