Online service offers anonymous students psychological advice

Concerned Charlie provides students with the opportunity to ask questions anonymously on the internet and get advice and information from professionals at the counseling center. The program allows students to seek help without dealing with the stigma behind mental health. SCREENSHOT FROM CONCERNED CHARLIE WEB SITE
Concerned Charlie provides students with the opportunity to ask questions anonymously on the internet and get advice and information from professionals at the counseling center. The program allows students to seek help without dealing with the stigma behind mental health. SCREENSHOT FROM CONCERNED CHARLIE WEB SITE

“Sadly, there’s a stigma about mental health. Students, and people in this society in general, are much more comfortable about going to see their physician than going to see a psychologist, so we thought it would be an opportunity for them, in an anonymous way, to ask some of these questions.”

- Lee Van Donselaar, assistant director for training

• Concerned Charlie offers students access to the counseling center on the internet.

• Users can anonymously submit emotional and academic questions.

• Currently, 15 responses are written in an advice column format.

A program that started in the ‘90s continues to help students get anonymous, professional advice for their emotional and academic questions.

Concerned Charlie is a way to give students access to the counseling center without having to talk to a psychologist, which some may find uncomfortable, said Lee Van Donselaar, assistant director for training.

“Sadly, there’s a stigma about mental health,” Van Donselaar said. “Students, and people in this society in general, are much more comfortable about going to see their physician than going to see a psychologist, so we thought it would be an opportunity for them, in an anonymous way, to ask some of these questions.”

Students can submit questions to the website in categories including academic issues, grief and loss, stress anxiety and roommate relationships.

The website currently has 15 responses written in an advice column format, allowing individuals to read both the question and answer in hopes of helping students with similar problems.

Subjects for these posts vary. One discusses homesickness and reads, “While living on campus, I have never felt homesick or missed my girlfriend, family or friends; does this make me insensitive?” The website also tackles issues with depression and grief: “What should one do when they are faced with an unexplained unhappiness?” and “Recently, a classmate and acquaintance of mine committed suicide by drowning.”

Each response includes a probable diagnosis for the problem and several ways to deal with the issue.

Van Donselaar said the project’s goal was to get the information out there about whatever psychological issues students have.

“Some [students] only need information, so it works well in that regard,” Van Donselaar said. “But for students that really need counseling, advice is just a first step. So, Charlie provides them with some information and encourages them to consider coming in to see a counselor.”

A team of two at the counseling center primarily reviews the questions, but sometimes they consult outside sources to help them give answers. For example, Van Donselaar said some questions will have a medical component, leading the counselors to seek medical professionals to help answer.

Freshman psychology major Paige Kenny thought this program would be useful, particularly the ability to get answers without feeling awkward if she saw the counselor around campus.

“Then they wouldn’t know my name and it wouldn’t be weird to talk face-to-face to a person after,” Kenny said.

Junior English literature major Rebecca Haynes said she would not be interested because she has other ways to get help or advice without asking a stranger.

“I have a support system I’d use instead of using something so impersonal,” Hayes said. “I’d use my family.”


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