Ball State energy challenge saves university thousands in 1 month

The Energy Challenge is following up on Ball State’s commitment to move toward carbon neutrality by saving the university an estimated “tens of thousands of dollars.”

Students can get involved with the challenge by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when they are not in use.

The Ball State Energy Action Team hosts the Energy Challenge and the competition lasts until Nov. 11.

Students and staff in the residence halls and academic buildings who lower the energy used the previous month by the biggest margin win the challenge. This means buildings that were created in the 1960s, like LaFollette Complex, have the same chance of winning as do the energy-efficient Park and Kinghorn halls.

“We actually do see a significant reduction of energy usage over the course of the month,” Lee Jerstad, BEAT president, said. “Ball State saves a lot of energy.”

Week one percentages, according to BEAT, show that Wagoner Hall, where Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities students live, is winning by a reduction of 34 percent. Coming in second and third are Johnson B Complex with 18 percent and Studebaker Hall East by 11 percent.

Jerstad said this year’s prize will enter students living in the residence hall that wins into a drawing for an Outdoor Pursuits trip with a friend. The academic building winner will enter all staff into a drawing to win a fitness pass from the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.

The BEAT team hopes the challenge will encourage students to continue energy saving habits after the competition, Jerstad said.


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