Ball State Dance Marathon mobilizes to bring 10,000 students to next week’s game

	<p>Ball State’s athletic department will offer Ball State University Dance Marathon $10,000 if they can get 10,000 students to next home game Nov. 6. </p>

Ball State’s athletic department will offer Ball State University Dance Marathon $10,000 if they can get 10,000 students to next home game Nov. 6.

With a week to go, Ball State Dance Marathon has mobilized social media fliers and more to get 10,000 students to the football game against Central Michigan University.

The athletic department will give the group $10,000 if they can get 10,000 students to the Wednesday game.

Zach Brown, BSUDM director of media relations, said he still thinks the group will achieve its goal.

“It’s definitely surfacing,” he said. “We’ve definitely made some waves. We’ve made some noise. I’ve heard people talking about it, so at least we are doing something right.”

BSUDM posted a video titled “They Need You” to its Facebook and Twitter pages featuring its executives telling students to go to the game to help out Riley Hospital for Children.

The group also installed a large sign in North Quad and put up fliers to advertise the event.

Over the course of the week, BSUDM members will go to different groups to pitch the project in an effort to get more students to attend.

BSUDM is not asking students to pledge to attend the game, but it is still planning to have a walk from the North Quad to the stadium.

The Ball State athletic department also will try to boost attendance by giving out prizes and hosting a greek night on the night of the game.
