Saudi Arabian students to host celebration of national day

The Daily News

Ball State students will have the opportunity to celebrate the culture of the second largest international student group at Ball State.

On Wednesday, the Saudi Students Club will host a celebration for the Saudi National Day at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Participants will have the chance to view a comedy role play and traditional dance. Those attending also will be able to receive henna tattoos and take part in professional photography in traditional Saudi costumes.

A free dinner and souvenirs also will be provided.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, the holiday started in 1932 as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became unified. It is celebrated Sept. 23 every year in Saudi Arabia. In addition to the holiday, there are only two religious holidays the government observes.

At Ball State, Saudis make the second largest group of international students after Chinese students, according to the Rinker Center for International Programs.

In the 2012 academic year, according to the Institute of International Education, 66,000 Saudi students studied in the United States.


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