Master plan costs university more than $450,000

The Daily News

Ball State is spending $484,500 on developing a plan for the future of Ball State’s physical campus, according to Assistant Vice President of Business Affairs Bernie Hannon.

The comprehensive campus master plan currently in the works will compile input from students and faculty to develop strategic goals, guiding priorities and principles for university facilities.

Hannon said the total cost comes out of the university’s general fund.

Consulting firm Smith Group JJR was hired to conduct the conversation. Consultants run the open house sessions and online forum to compile feedback from students and faculty.

The committee’s initial recommendations are due in the fall. Drafts will be refined during the winter and the final plan will be complete in May 2014.

Hannon previously said the university has not done a comprehensive master plan in a number of years and it was time to put one together. It is not known yet if Ball State will have a schedule of master plans in the future.

“The master plan is overdue,” he said. “We break campus up into different parts [and make plans] but we haven’t had a fully comprehensive plan for quite a while. It was time for one.”

Students were involved in the first round of feedback through three open house sessions, select meetings and on The site has seen more than 1,400 visitors and 180 ideas have been shared.
