FASHION FORWARD: The runway battle of the sexes

The Daily News


Trends popular with males and females may not ring a bell with the opposite sex.

We’ve brought back stories from our adventures, furniture for our new houses and apartments, and styles and trends that caught on over the long break away from school for the new year. Students try to keep up with the crazy, fast paced fashion world, but how often do we genuinely like what is being worn by our generation?

Every time we all come back together again after time apart, I always take a step back, look around at everything being worn by our peers and think to myself, “Why is he wearing that?” and “Do guys actually like what she has on?”

Guys don’t necessarily dress to impress girls, and nor do girls for guys. In most cases, we dress to impress ourselves and the members of our own gender. We want to stand out but not too far, and we want to blend in, but not too much. However, every now and then it’s interesting to hear what we don’t normally get the chance to and get a little insight from our peers.

Rather than grinning and bearing it, males and females share what they really think of their counterparts’ styles without holding back.

High-waisted shorts

When I asked a multitude of males what they don’t appreciate being worn by the female population right now, the general consensus was high-waisted shorts.

“Let’s just stop this trend right now. I understand the girl’s perspective ‘Oh it makes me look thinner,’ but it starts to look like older people pants,” junior telecommunications major Jordan Cox said.

These thrifty threads might seem fashion forward, but to the male population, they seem fashion backward.

“I do not find the ‘high-waisted jeans’ attractive, personally ... A 90’s trend that should have stayed in that decade in my opinion. Sometimes girls cut them too short. Not for me,” senior telecommunications major Travis Rauwerdink said.


The other major blow was that the men of this campus seem to really dislike the scarf fad. Senior Benaiah Carlstrom’s view is, why wear it if it’s not cold out?

Ladies may think they are looking trendy and chic by layering accessories, but most of the time the gents are just wondering, “If it is not doing anything, why add it on?”

Sagging pants

The ladies made it very clear that any sagging at all is found to be unattractive.

“Sagging pants with a belt. There is obviously no point in wearing a belt if you don’t want your pants held up. The only reason to wear a belt is to stop pants from sagging,” sophomore special education major Hannah Oberhausen said.

Tank Tops

Female students feel tank tops should stay in their closets, not on guys.

Junior education major Katherine Thomas said, “I am completely fine if it’s a shirt and they made it a cut off, but the second those arm holes are sewed in any kind of fashion, no ... Yeah I’m sure it gets hot and you want to wear a tank top to let your pits breathe like us girls can, but you get the liberty of going shirtless everywhere else, so let us have our tank tops.”


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