Dill Street Bar and Grill now open

The Daily News

Dill Street patrons pack the dance floor during the soft opening of the bar. After moving to a new location, the bar was filled to capacity within hours of opening its doors to the public. DN PHOTO COREY OHLENKAMP
Dill Street patrons pack the dance floor during the soft opening of the bar. After moving to a new location, the bar was filled to capacity within hours of opening its doors to the public. DN PHOTO COREY OHLENKAMP

After months of moving, Dill Street Bar & Grill opened in its new location, the former CBX bookstore, Saturday afternoon.

The doors opened at 5 p.m.

“A lot of work went into this, so it’s really nice,” Jake Larimore, kitchen manager of Dill Street, said.

Saturday was the soft opening of the bar and no in-house audio or light equipment had been set up yet.

“The DJs brought in their own stereo equipment,” he said. “They actually did the same thing last year. There’s no carpet or anything in there, so it’s loud enough.”

The official grand opening of the bar will be Wednesday night.

“I think it’s actually going to benefit a lot of the bars because we now have the bars in a lot closer of proximity,” Larimore said. “People are more inclined to walk around to every bar.”
