Congressional representatives react to Obama's Syria speech

The Daily News

WASHINGTON — Reaction from members of Congress and others to President Barack Obama's speech on Syria on Tuesday night:

—"As the Obama administration continues to pursue a diplomatic resolution, the president justly made clear tonight that the threat of military action remains on the table as we continue to work to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction." — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

—"The administration's handling of the U.S. response to Syria has been so haphazard it's disappointed even the president's most ardent supporters. This rudderless diplomacy has embarrassed America on the world stage." — Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.

—"We should all push as hard as possible for a diplomatic solution, which would require Syria to give up its complete stockpile of chemical weapons and agree to cease future production and use, in a way that can be verified." — Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La.

—"The president is right to explore international control of Syria's chemical weapons and to postpone any congressional action. This is a challenging approach but better than a go-it-alone strike that effectively leaves Assad controlling all of those chemical weapons. I do not support authorizing an American attack that could entangle us in a bloody, costly regional conflict." — Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas.

"Any action in the already volatile country would only make the situation worse. Considering many of the rebels have connections with al Qaida-linked groups, the alternative is no better." — Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.


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