Ball State students take to Twitter in reaction to SGA president’s tweets

The Daily News

The Student Government Association president who tweeted racially insensitive remarks Tuesday is facing criticism online today, as one of his slate members said his comments don’t reflect the board’s feelings.

“As a representative of the Student Government Association, we recognize Malachi [Randolph]’s remarks were not appropriate,” Giang Tran, executive board secretary, said in an email.

“However, at the same time, the rest of the SGA executive members are still holding true to our promise to fulfill our platform points and do our job to the best of our abilities. In no way is our president’s actions a reflection of the entire Student Government Association. It does not affect the advancement of our organization. As of now, we are moving forward from this situation and are continuing to fulfill our duties by representing the student body.

SGA president Randolph, a junior international business major, tweeted derogatory comments about Chinese people around noon Tuesday. The tweets were removed later that day and he issued a statement apologizing.

“Today, I made insensitive comments through a social media account," Randolph said. "I understand my words were hurtful. My actions in no way reflect the Student Government Association, and I vow to use better judgment in the future."
