Ball State master plan cost released

The Daily News

Developing a plan for the future of Ball State will cost about the same as tuition for 57 in-state students.

The master plan for the physical campus will cost $484,500, said Bernie Hannon, associate vice president of business affairs.

The comprehensive campus master plan in the works will compile input from students and faculty to develop strategic goals, guiding priorities and principles for university facilities. Hannon said the total cost will come out of the general fund.

Consulting firm SmithGroupJJR was hired to conduct the conversation. Consultants run the open house sessions and online forum to compile feedback from students and faculty.

“SmithGroupJJR has completed hundreds of master plans for universities throughout the country and has an outstanding reputation for the work they have done at those institutions,” Gregory Graham, director of Facilities Planning, said.

Students were involved in the first round of feedback through three open house sessions, select meetings and on The site has seen more than 1400 hits and 180 ideas.

Graham said the master plan consultant’s first visit to Ball State to compile feedback was part of the “discovery phase.” The plan development is broken down into five phases: discovery, analysis, idea generation, refinement and documentation.

Graham said the next phase includes analysis of systems, academic space utilization, space needs, intercollegiate athletics, campus life facilities and community interface.

“There will be another visit to campus for our campus master plan consultants to present summaries of the analysis and discuss additional campus issues and needs,” Graham said.

SmithGroupJJR’s initial recommendations are due in the fall. Drafts will be refined during the winter and the final plan will be complete in May 2014.


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