Ball State greek life members promote national anti-hazing week

The Daily News

Wednesday at the Scramble Light, Fraternal Values Society promoted its #GreekMeans project.

The project, taking place over National Hazing Prevention Week, is aimed at “[promoting] a values-based greek community,” according to Sarah Newton member of FVS.

National Hazing Prevention Week takes place between Sept. 23-27.

“The ultimate goal is to prevent hazing from happening in the first place,” according to the website.

The society is focusing on discussing safe behavior and hazing within the greek community.

Greek Life is also hosting several more events throughout the week. One such event is banner making, where Greek Life chapters make banners to represent their organization’s values.

On Wednesday, a new member panel will take place from 7-9 p.m. in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall B. Current and new members will discuss their organization’s values and discuss the dangers of hazing.

Thursday all executive council members of greek chapters are required to attend an event where a featured speaker will talk about hazing prevention.
