Subcontractors not yet known for Village redevelopment

The Daily News

With construction just around the corner, contractors of Cardinal Square and the accompanying parking garage are still negotiating terms for subcontractors.

“This is a very fast track schedule so we don’t have the luxury of getting everything done early from a contracting standpoint,” said Dustin Frye, pre-construction manager of Garmong Construction.

Frye was involved in the planning and budgeting process of the parking garage structure, which is being contracted by the city of Muncie.

Garmong Construction has submitted their construction permits, but have not listed which companies they plan to hire for the subcontracted work, according to the Muncie Building Commissioner’s Office.

“We’ve got a precast contractor coming to put in the precast, then we’ve got a mechanical contractor, an electrical and a plumbing contractor coming,” said Zacree Sheese, superintendent at Garmong Construction.

Todd Donati, director of the Muncie Redevelopment Comission, told the Daily News three weeks ago that both the city contractor and Investment Property Advisors, developer of Cardinal Square, promised to do everything they can to hire local labor.

Garmong still aims to hire locally and will have a list of subcontracted companies in two weeks, Sheese said.


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