Cardinal Square construction to begin after Labor Day

Now that cleanup from demolition is over, the site for the future Cardinal Square is being prepared for construction to start just after Labor Day, said Todd Donati, director of the Muncie Redevelopment Commission.

“They have to prepare the site, compress it and make sure that it’s able to handle the foundation that we’re putting in,” Donati said.

Construction of the parking structure, contracted by Terre Haute-based Garmong Construction, will be the first step.

“The parking garage will be pre-packed, which means the concrete slabs will be already poured and then they’ll be delivered and they’ll be put together like a puzzle,” Donati said.

Once the parking garage gets started, Whittenburg Construction, a Louisville-based company contracted by Investment Property Advisors, will begin construction on the mixed-use apartment and retail building around the garage.

“What they’ll do is they’ll let us get a couple of levels up and then they’ll start putting their footers down so that they won’t be any higher than us,” Donati said.


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