Indiana begins ‘Click It or Ticket’ initiative

The Daily News

Indiana’s annual Click It or Ticket initiative began Friday as the Memorial Day holiday approaches.

More than 250 Indiana law enforcement agencies support the enforcement initiative, and it features paid, statewide advertising and other public outreach efforts designed to promote seat belt use.

“As we kick-off the busy summer driving season, it’s important that everyone buckles up every trip, every time — both day and night.  No excuses,” Sgt. Jason J. Webber said.  “Our officers are prepared to ticket anyone who is not wearing their seat belt.”

This year’s enforcement effort will end on June 2. Last year, Indiana law enforcement agencies issued 18,104 citations to motorists failing to wear a seat belt.

“Clearly there is more work to be done,” Webber said. “Although Indiana’s current seat belt usage rate is 93.6 percent – there remains a significant number of drivers who are at an increased risk for death or injury because they still fail to buckle up on a regular basis.”


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