Ex-administrator sentenced for church embezzlement

The Associated Press

Union Chapel in Muncie was the center of an embezzling scandal, when a former administrator stole more than $130,000 over a nine-year period. Angela Renee Linder was sentenced to 17 months in prison. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER
Union Chapel in Muncie was the center of an embezzling scandal, when a former administrator stole more than $130,000 over a nine-year period. Angela Renee Linder was sentenced to 17 months in prison. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER

MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) — A judge says a former administrator of a Muncie church was brazen in embezzling more than $130,000 over a nine-year period.

The judge sentenced 42-year-old Angela Renee Linder of Yorktown to 17 months in prison during a federal court hearing Tuesday in Indianapolis.

The Star Press reports Linder testified she suffers from bipolar disorder that caused her to go out of control with credit cards from Muncie’s Union Chapel United Methodist Church.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Gayle Helart says Linder used the church’s money for personal expenses ranging from trips and home renovation projects to fees at fertility and weight-loss clinics.

Linder called her actions “appalling and deeply wounding.” She apologized to the church and her family for the shame she caused.
