The Ball State community will discuss updates on the historic democratic and free market reforms taking place in Myanmar and how Ball State is involved.
The Center for International Development presents its involvement with Myanmar at 3 p.m. on Tuesday in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center room 301.
Ken Holland, director of the Center for International Development, will discuss his experience in Myanmar. He has established initial context with the university that will potentially partner with Ball State.
“The university is exploring a potential partnership with universities in Myanmar, former Burma, and its result of an outreach by the United States Government,” Kenneth Hall, a history professor, said.
Ball State is one of 10 United States institutions of higher education to participate in a delegation visit. The delegation visit was organized by the Institute of International Education.
Myanmar has been under military rule since 1962. United States diplomatic relations were served in 1990. On Nov. 22, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. was going to restore diplomatic ties.
“Essentially in the last two or three years the government has transitioned,” Hall said. “The military has sort of opened up a willingness then to allow the development of some democratic base that is here and opposed to being in isolation to the rest of the world.”
They are currently exploring what the university would offer. Hall said they mostly want redevelopment of their university.