CORRECTION: The Daily News initially reported McKinley Mile raised more than $36,000. The correct number is $3,600. The Daily News sincerely regrets this mistake.
UPDATE: The McKinley Mile raised more than $3,600 for the Youth Opportunity Center, nearly doubling the amount raised at the philanthropic event last year.
Hosted by Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, the event consisted of a twelve team, one-mile race, the Benny Dash, and a 24-mile race, Cardinal Relay, as well as community activities like three inflatables, food and games.
The Ball State University Cycling team won first place in the professional division of the Cardinal Relay, beating the team from Kirk’s bike shop by about a minute.
Garrett Weiler, a senior graphic arts major, said he has been on the team since his freshman year and was excited to win the overall title back after losing last year.
“I have done this now four years and it’s gotten better and better every year.” Weiler said. “All the community teams, we ride and race with them, so it’s a lot faster and harder. We know what it’s like to actually race, so I guess it’s expected that we should do well.”
EARLIER: Student affairs administration majors Eric Pegues, Amber Silva, Kevin Caputo and Cedric Wilson beat five other teams in their heat for the mile-long Benny Dash this year.
“It’s a lot harder than it looked,” Silva said. “We did the Benny Dash because it is shorter, we’re not professionals. We didn’t warm up. I can’t fell my legs right now.”
Wilson said their team came together at the last minute, but the hardest part was waiting around for his turn in the relay.
“It’s nice out here, it’s a Saturday, and this is a nice way to get away from schoolwork and everything.” Wilson said.
Interfraternity Council’s team took first place and Student Government Association’s team took second in the other heat for the dash.
Freshman nursing major Amber Teaney and her three other teammates raced together for the first time today.
“I love biking, and I heard that (Sigma Kappa) won last year.” Teaney said. “I wanted to continue that tradition.”
Teaney said she has been going to the gym and practicing on stationary bikes, but she has never raced before.
Previous racers had warned Teaney going uphill from the L.A. Pittenger Student Center to Robert Bell and the sharp turn at the scramble light are the tricky spots, she said.
Even though she didn’t win this time, Teaney wants to continue taking part in the McKinley Mile tradition.
“Before I graduate I want to do the 6-mile [Cardinal Relay race,]” she said.
Now that the race is over, Teaney can enjoy the extra events.
“I thought it was like a party when I came up here at 11 a.m. in the morning.”
Students have to sign a waiver in order to access the free three inflatables, games and food.
The six-mile event, the Cardinal relay will begin at 2 p.m.
EARLIER: Bounce houses, food and games have taken over University Green for McKinley Mile today.
Thomas Jacoby, a sophomore construction management major and Lambda Chi Alpha member, said along with the two bike races, the event will have carnival style games including three inflatables, corn hole toss and the hammer.
There will also be a deejay playing until 5 p.m.
All the games are free to the public, Jacoby said.
“It’s a little colder than expected, but not that bad,” Jacoby said. “Between (Lambda Chi Alpha) and Greek weekend there could be anywhere from 400 to 1,000 people here, we’re not sure.”
Neely, New York and Riverside avenues will be closing at 11:30 a.m. before the Benny Dash begins at noon and won’t reopen until 5 p.m.