A speaker will share how he uses technology to benefit students younger than some might expect — elementary-level children.
Students, faculty and the public can expect to hear about children’s literature and tips to engage young readers from a teacher and librarian, known as “Mr. Schu.”
John Schumacher will speak at 7 p.m. on Thursday in Teachers College room 101 as part of the Professional Development Speaker Series. The event was originally supposed to be held on Tuesday but was rescheduled because of weather conditions.
This event is sponsored by The Student Education Association, Education in Action and Kappa Delta Pi.
Brandon Froning, president of The Student Education Association, said he was determined to bring Mr. Schu to Ball State after coming across his blog last summer, mrschureads.blogspot.com.
“He’s such an innovative and passionate individual, I couldn’t resist contacting him to come speak as I knew so many students would benefit from such a presentation,” said the junior elementary education major.
Schumacher’s presentation will include discussions of various topics such as using technology to connect children and books, bring authors to school and to the classroom and tips to promote reading.
This year, the Student Education Association adopted their first ever philanthropy chapter, which is children’s literature. Bringing Schumacher to speak is a great fit, as he is quite passionate about children’s books and literature. He travels across the country promoting children’s literature and is determined to put the right book in every child’s hand.
“Mr. Schu has a contagious passion for children’s literature and books, and those in attendance will be sure to leave inspired, having caught a passion for children’s literature and books as well,” Froning said.
Schumacher’s educational background includes a masters degree in Teaching and Leadership from St. Xavier University and a masters in Library and Information Science from Dominican University. He has been a teacher and librarian at Brook Forest Elementary School in Oak Brook Illinois for eight years now.
In addition to speaking about the role of a teacher and librarian in a school, Schumacher will be giving away a few children’s books and novels following the presentation.