Campus now secure after man with gun reportedly seen near Bracken Library


Ball State's campus is reportedly secure after a man who appeared to be holding a gun was seen in the area around Bracken Library. 

Around 8:00 this morning, a white male of medium build was reportedly seen walking on the north side of the library, heading toward Noyer Complex and Whitinger Business Building. 

Following "standard protocols," Ball State police searched and secured the area. The university released a message saying students could return to their regularly schedules activities at 9:30 a.m.


A man who appeared to be holding a firearm was seen walking in the area near Bracken Library, heading toward Noyer Complex and Whitinger business building.  

According to Ball State's website, a white male of medium build was walking in the area north of Bracken Library, but had no "discernible threatening behavior."

Police are searching the area.

Students are encouraged to stay in a secure place.  

The Muncie Star Press is reporting that Ball State University, Northside Middle School and Burris Laboratory School are on lockdown. 



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