Voting for SGA’s next executive board begins today. Voting will end at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday. Some of the executive slates’ platform points showed to be more internal goals that do not rely on the cooperation of different departments and administrators. For those that do depend on cooperation, administrators told the Daily News whether they believed Spark’s, Fusion’s and Cardinal United’s goals were feasible.
Cultivate pride and appreciation:
Spark plans to bridge the gap between the Muncie and Ball State communities with one of their platform points.
Spark members have spoken with Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler, who told Spark he never receives invitations to Ball State events, such as Oprah Winfrey and David Letterman hosting a conversation at John R. Emens Auditorium in November.
The slate had not spoken to Cheryl Crowder, director of Muncie Downtown Development. Crowder said she believes a partnership with SGA would make a large impact for the community.
Blue Light app:
Spark plans to promote the development of a Blue Light app that would connect students to the University Police Department if they feel threatened.
Spark said they have talked to Muncie Police Department Chief Steve Stewart who supports the plan. The slate has not contacted UPD Chief Gene Burton or Assistant Chief Bob Fey.
Working with donors:
Spark plans to work to provide financial assistance and fundraising opportunities for study abroad and immersive learning project students.
John Jensen, international program chair, said he has talked with Spark and agrees with their plan because he believes anything to get students more funding is a good idea.
Dining options:
Fusion would like to expand the acceptance of Cardinal Cash at businesses in the Village and give students the option of eating at a Late Night Snack Shack after dining halls close.
Jon Lewis, director of Dining Services, said no one from Fusion had talked to him about their platform ideas.
“I have always encouraged these groups to talk to me first to see if we can’t drill down on what the possibilities are,” he said. “Without hearing further details but I highly doubt it. I have no idea what the university interest would be in doing it.”
Sorority housing:
Fusion said they wish to play a passive role in the implementation of sorority housing as well as be the line of communication between greek students and faculty.
Jennifer Jones-Hall said sorority housing was on the university’s strategic plan, however it is not on the greek life strategic plan, which means there is no guarantee the plan will be implemented.
“Do I think a slate could help us — no. I’m not trying to be rude but I don’t think they have done their homework to see how it works and if we really need help,” Jones-Hall said.
Wireless capabilities:
Fusion said they believe Ball State’s wireless access has some flaws they hope to repair. Fusion said they tried to contact University Computing Services but have not talked to anyone.
The Daily News could not reach Unified Technology Services.
Banner system:
Fusion also said they have talked to students who were unhappy with the way the new Banner system and wish to find out how to make it better, and again had not been able to reach UTS.
According to the Office of Educational Excellence, which oversees the Banner, Fusion has not talked to them about the system.
Dance Marathon:
Fusion said they plan to work with Ball State Dance Marathon to increase attendance. BSU Dance Marathon declined to comment on plans, saying they did not want to support any candidates, although they will appreciate any support.
Cellphone charging stations:
Cardinal United has said they plan to talk to position cellphone charging stations inside Bracken Library and the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. They said the stations cost $75 a
piece, and have several ports to fit every type of phone, including older models that aren’t smartphones.
Sublease Search:
Cardinal United also said they plan to create an online system that resembles “Roommate Search” to help students find subleasers.
Cardinal United has also said they wish to create a system for online students to create a system to report issues on the Ball State campus as well as any issue they have.
Jim Lowe, director of Engineering and Construction Operations, said there is already a system to report mechanical issues on campus. Cardinal United said they are aware of the current system and wish to expand on its use.
SGA philanthropic grant:
Cardinal United plans to add a $500 bonus to the organization that gets the most “Ashley points” during Homecoming Week, which the organizations can use for a nonprofit of their choice. Michelle Johnson, director of Alumni Special Events, said she agrees with the plan.
In order to increase retention of leaders within university organizations, Cardinal United plans to create a program called First Undergraduate In Leadership, or F.U.E.L, The program would be a once a month, semester-long program to teach students how to be leaders within their organizations.
Mitch Isaacs, director of student life, said he liked the plan.
“Retaining student leaders in their organization is always a good goal,” Isaacs said.
Blue and Purple Loops:
Cardinal United plans to add to the Blue Loop and create a new Purple Loop to service students southeast of campus and the Village.
They said Sue Weller, director of Facilities Business Services and Transportation, supports their plan and said the funds are there to implement these plans. The Daily News could not reach Weller.