Friday is final day for students to register for symposium

The Daily News

Students who wish to showcase their academic and creative projects in the 2013 Ball State Student Symposium must submit their applications by Friday. 

The annual symposium, hosted by the Sponsored Programs Office, is an opportunity for students to put together a display and speak about their work. 

Jessie Roark, Sponsored Programs Office research information coordinator, said the symposium gives students a chance to interact with others outside of their discipline. 

“It gives them an opportunity to take research they have done and not just present it to professors or people in class, [but] to present to people from the university and community,” she said. 

Students from all disciplines are eligible to present, either as individuals or as part of a group. Academic, research and creative projects are accepted. 

Applicants must have a faculty adviser fill out a registration form and submit an abstract of their work. All students who apply will present, and six awards of $100 will be given out based on the top projects and presentations. 

Roark said she encourages students to attend because the process teaches valuable skills.

“It gives them real world experience in presenting their research, talking to people and getting it all together in a form that people can look at,“ Roark said. 

The Student Symposium will take place on March 26 in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom. 


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