Local Chinese restaurant open after 17 critical violations

The Daily News

Teppanyaki Grill & Buffet reopened Monday after the Delaware County Health Department re-inspected the establishment.

The restaurant closed Friday evening after the Health Department found 17 critical violations.

“It was a combination of issues with one of their refrigeration units, some plumbing, non-functioning hand-washing sinks and some confusion over safe food handling practices that all was collectively going into an ‘imminent health hazard’ situation,” said Joshua Williams, administrator of the Delaware County Health Department. 

When it was re-inspected at 10:30 a.m. Monday, all of the critical violations were corrected and the restaurant was given the OK to open, Williams said.  

Rich Lang, manager of Teppanyaki, said the restaurant is open and will continue with regular hours.

“We got everything resolved. We don’t want to talk about it,” Lang said. “We are doing good.”

Williams said follow-up inspections will take place in one week, as well as in another 30 days to ensure a few non-critical violations are addressed. Teppanyaki will also face some fees associated with the closing and reopening of the business and in-service training. 

“Any time we get to a point of requesting closure and working with them through that, it’s rare.” Williams said, “I would say it is a non-typical situation.”

The health department sees about one or two closures each year, but they are not always “a result of their direct negligence,” Williams said.

The health department has not yet provided the Daily News a copy of the inspection report.


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