Charlie Cardinal stamps available for 99 cents

The Daily News

Stamps featuring the Ball State mascot, Charlie Cardinal, are available for 99 cents in the post office of the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. DN PHOTO: SARA NAHRWOLD
Stamps featuring the Ball State mascot, Charlie Cardinal, are available for 99 cents in the post office of the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. DN PHOTO: SARA NAHRWOLD

A stamp featuring Charlie Cardinal is now available after being in the works for at least six months in the Ball State post office in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.  
The stamp costs 99 cents compared to the 46 cent price of a regular stamp. This higher cost is because the university has to pay the postage fee and as well as the printing costs.
“We thought that it would be unique for the university to have its own postage stamp,” Jerry Ault, mailing services manager, said. “There might be some interest in it so we ordered a few of them just to try and see how they went.”
They have been available for a few days now but Ault said they began to advertise them Wednesday.
The idea for a stamp featuring the school’s mascot came from a conference Ault attended about a year ago where another university talked about the idea.
Despite the higher price, the post office believes they will sell but unsure of how many.  
“I think that some of the kids or the faculty and staff will be interested in promoting the university and this would be a good way to do that,” Robin Evans, post office coordinator, said. “They might really sell, especially with graduation coming up.”
Ault said he doesn’t predict it to be a big seller but that a few people may be interested.
“I think it’s a good promotional thing for Ball State University,” he said. “It’s unique and it’s a nice looking stamp of Charlie Cardinal.”
 The post office also has Ball State postcards after several people have mentioned they can’t find them anywhere else. The office is in the process of getting a graduation postcard printed in time for May commencement. It is a graduation scene at the art terrace.

There is no set time on how long the Charlie Cardinal stamps will be available.  
“We will keep them as long as there’s interest in them,” Ault said. 


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