New online grade service available

Parents, employers and coaches who want to see students’ grades on Self-Service Banner now have the ability to do so through an update in proxy access service. 

Students are now able to grant access to outside parties through the service, which replaces My Education Gateway and Parent Education Gateway. 

Melissa Shearer, associate director of the scholarships and financial aid office, students who have attended Ball State prior to this school year will only see the return of a service that was previously available. Freshman have not yet been able to grant access to others on their Self Service Banner and will now be able to do so. 

Ball State has been making the transition from old software to Banner, or MyBSU, for the past two and a half years. This involves changing over various parts of the software.

Shearer said essential items like course registration and financial aid were the first to transfer to the software. 

Students can see a proxy access tab under their banner links. To grant a proxy access, students must log into their Self-Service Banner and enter the party’s email address. 

Shearer said she receives calls from parents about accessing their student’s information online, and this is a service most students take advantage of.  

“Oftentimes, parents almost demand access,” Shearer said. “They want to be able to log in to view students info, to view financial aid, course requirements and even grades. We have some employers who may be paying for student’s education, and they want to check up on the students’ grades.”

In addition to this use, Shearer said registering someone as a proxy gives Ball State administration permission to discuss a student’s information with that person, something that is otherwise prohibited by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 

An email sent out to students specified that even if students have registered people as proxies in the past, they must be re-registered under the new system. 


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