Eleven years ago, a Delta Zeta sorority sister, Melissa Steckler, died after being involved in a burn accident. In her honor, the sorority hosts an annual 5K run and walk to celebrate her life and give back to the community.
The 11th Mel's Walk, which is the sorority's fall philanthrophy, will be Sunday at North Quad.
Delta Zeta philanthropy chair Kayla Carney said the goal is to raise $5,000. The money will go to the burn unit at Riley Children's Hospital.
"If we hit more than that, it's awesome," Carney said.
The sorority also hosted the "Dine to Donate" event at Moe's Diner on Wednesday night for the first time to raise donations the burn unit.
"Our main goal is to raise money and raise awareness to what Riley Children's Hospital's burn unit does, how it impacted our lives and it could impact your life in the future," Carney said.
Carney said there will be five members from the Steckler family participating.
"[The Steckler family] comes to help celebrate [Melissa's] life and give back to the community," Carney said.
Pets are welcome to attend the 5K and Carney said dog treats are provided to those who attend.
"It's a great way to bring more spirit to [the walk]," she said. "Everyone loves seeing dogs and being able to interact with them."
Participants can register any time up until the event. Registration the day of the event will start at 10:30 a.m.
The 5k run will begin at 11 a.m. with the walk beginning 10 minutes after. The course for the walk is around Ball State's campus. Carney said she is expecting to see 200-250 people participate in this year's walk.
"[The walk] is a great way for us to give back, and for my sorority as a whole; it's a great way to remember the life of a sister," Carney said. "This is a great way for us to give back and to remember what sister hood is about and why it's so meaningful to us."
For any further questions, contact Carney at 574-354-2370.