Ball State professor receives Indiana volunteer award

10/02/12 12:09 a.m.

Because of his work in raising awareness about violence against women, including a three-day awareness campaign, a Ball State professor was one of eight to receive Indiana's most prestigious award for volunteer service.

The Governor's Service Awards honor the work of nominated community members statewide on behalf of their communities and state, according to a press release from Bohlsen Group PR Firm in Indianapolis.

Among the eight honorees was Jagdish Khubchandani, an assistant professor of community health education, who received the service learning award for his involvement in service projects throughout the Muncie community.

Khubchandani was invited to the governor's house Monday night for an award ceremony that included the seven other winners from around Indiana along with 200 other distinguished members.

Associate Provost Robert Morris nominated Khubchandani for his series of community service projects since his arrival at Ball State in Fall 2010.

"There are several high-impact examples of service learning that make Dr. Khubchandani worthy of this award," Morris said. "The academic caliber and drive for excellence Dr. Khubchandani expects of his students has resulted in a number of positive outcomes for the students and community.

"His students have gained substantial service learning experience in the process of their volunteer work and many of these students have won national awards and obtained positions at prestigious institutions."

Khubchandani has also been awarded the 2012 Hurley Goodall Distinguished Faculty Award for his "extraordinary involvement in promoting service learning in students and for his efforts to help students think beyond the norm of academic learning," Morris said.

"I try to engage my students in service learning because I have firsthand experience of how volunteering as a student gives you more knowledge and perspective in life," Khubchandani said.

The Governor's Conference and Nonprofit Capacity Building is co-sponsored by the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

Derek Trovillion, director of Marketing and Communications at the office, said a panel of judges reviewed each nominee as they went through their stories and evidence of community service projects and how impactful it was on the community.

Trovillion said the quality of Khubchandani's research is what set him apart from other nominees.

"This office is really about giving service to people that are victims or in that position of an unhealthy relationship and that is where the support from the community is really important, especially in a college town," Trovillion said.

Khubchandani's latest service project was Operation Jungle Red, a three-day awareness campaign that challenged men to take a stand against violence against women. In addition to Muncie's mayor, police and fire Chief, 2,700 students participated in the campaign.

"We look for people taking action, stepping in and information others in the community," Trovillion said. "[Khubchandani] has that mindset."

Khubchandani said he thanks the generous people in his life that engaged him in community service and numerous resources for getting him to where he is today, including his students and colleagues.

"Personally, my respect for my colleagues and students has grown manifold," Khubchandani said. "They tirelessly contributed to my personal development, professional growth and for the causes I believed in - that is true service."

The Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives said Khubchandani is exemplary of what it looks for in a nominee.

"We're really just trying to send a message that we value community partnerships," Trovillion said. "It's important to involve local and governmental units as well as the state in making improvements."

Khubchandani said aside from the honor he feels about receiving this award, he is just happy he can finally give his ultimate mentor in life the best gift of all.

"I express my heartfelt gratitude to the [Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives] for bestowing this great honor upon me, for inspiring me for a lifetime and for the wonderful birthday present for my mother," Khubchandani said. 
