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The College Republicans and University Democrats will be on hand to assist students with the voting registration process for the upcoming elections on campus today at the University Green.
Voter registration will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For both parties, it doesn't matter which one students register with, they just want people to register to vote, representatives from both organizations said.
"I would rather everyone be registered to vote and everybody have a say than just the few people who I think might agree with me because that's not what democracy is about," Kayleigh Mohler, president of College Republicans, said. "It's about making sure that everyone has a say, and I think it's really great that students can see that we are working together on this and that we are trying to get everyone registered."
The two political parties will also work in conjunction with the offices of Student Life, Student Government Association and legal studies to register 500 students.
"We are working to basically get students registered to vote and really to show how important voting really is and make sure they are really utilizing all their rights to vote and giving them choices and options," Drew Farrington, president of University Democrats, said.
This event is an important step for Democrats and Republicans. In 2008, there was difficulty in getting student groups to work together.
"This is kind of unheard of, all the student organizations working together," Farrington said. "I'm kind of proud of it. I think it's a really good opportunity."
The chance for students to register to vote is an important part of America's democracy, Mohler said.
"We live in a country where everybody has their right to be active in picking their government and the way we do that in America is by voting," she said. "If you don't register to vote, you lose that option."
Students must be registered by Oct. 9 to vote in this year's election. With the deadline less than three weeks away, registering now is key, Mohler said.
"If you don't register by Oct. 9, sometime in that last month something may really strike a cord with you or for some reason you decide, 'Maybe I should be able to vote; maybe I do care enough to vote,'" Mohler said. "If you don't register beforehand, you don't get that opportunity."
Beside the goal of registering 500 voters, Farrington said he hopes the event raises awareness of the importance of voting.
"If they're out there seeing that students are registering voters, that there's people on campus that really care about this, maybe they will realize, 'Hey this really is important,'" Farrington said. "'I should watch these presidential debates, I should pay more attention to the news and really be able to be informed when I go into the poll booth on election day.'"
At the voter registration event, pizza will be available for all students.
Later this month and leading up to the elections, students will have many opportunities to attend events to see candidates and other political leaders speak on campus.