Poetry club hosts open mic night

09/26/12 12:20 p.m.

The audience remains silent as poet and President of Poetic Summit Judah Smith sits on a stool in front of a black curtain. Smith performs a love poem entitled "Love Me on Your Level" in front of 120 people watching her intently. When Smith finishes, she is awarded with applause and finger snaps.

"I felt only one percent nervous," Smith said. "It's like a conversation with the audience. I feel like I'm in my place. I write my heart on paper."

Poetic Summit hosted "Intro to the Poet" where 11 members performed original work. Two poets performed at the same time in different rooms. Poetic Summit hosted the event to gain anticipation from the audience.

"I always like Poetic Summit events," audience member Jodeci Gonzalez said, "It gives people the opportunity to express themselves."

Poetic Summit is a diverse organization on Ball State campus for writers and poets to learn to write, develop and share their ideas and content.

"I enjoyed the cultural variety and style of the poets," audience member Yorel Chavis said. "Since Ball State University is a predominately white institution, seeing multicultural events shows that there is diversity and we are active on campus."

Poetic Summit's current focus is to gain members and express themselves to a wide audience.

"Art is not art unless you share it," Huy Pham, Vice President of Poetic Summit, said. "This is a way to utilize my energy to contribute something positive in the world ..."

Members of Poetic Summit each had a 7-minute time slot to perform in various rooms in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.

"I was called to do this," Aaron "G" Grayson, Poetic Summit member, said. "Poetry is a way of life. I have stories and people need to hear them."

Poetry events are different from other liberal art events on campus said Kane San Miguel, treasurer of Poetic Summit.

"It provides exposure to a different art form as opposed to dance, movies etcetera," Miguel said. "It's something new; a deviant from the norm."

The importance of poetry on campus is subjective, but these poets have strong opinions.

"It's beyond important," Grayson said. "We all have voices, and we express ourselves with what needs to be heard."

The next Poetic Summit event will be entitled "Food For Thought," and it will take place in November.

"It will be truthful and open," Smith said.
