LSU police make arrest in bomb threat

09/19/12 12:15 p.m.

BATON ROUGE, La. - Police have arrested a suspect in the bomb threat at LSU that led to the campus-wide evacuation of thousands of people earlier this week.

Police Capt. Corey Lalonde said officers arrested William Bouvay Jr., 42, of Baton Rouge late Tuesday night after an investigation by multiple law enforcement agencies.

Lalonde said Bouvay was not an LSU student and appeared to have no campus connection. He also said Bouvay has not been tied to threats made last week at college campuses in Texas, North Dakota and Ohio.

"We don't believe at this point that there is any connection to the bomb threats at other universities," he said.

He said police tracked Bouvay down after determining the 911 call Monday came from a deactivated cellphone that could only make emergency calls.


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