Fun, safe sex education part of event line up

09/26/12 12:10 p.m.

Bingo, condom races and a pick-up line contest were all part of an on-campus event that was focused around informing students of safe sex practices while providing entertainment.

Tuesday night the L.A. Pittenger Student Center played host to "Safety in the Heat of the Moment" an event promoted by the Student Action Team.

"[The event] went really well, and there were several more people than we expected," said Shannon Morris, Student Action Team president.

Approximately 250 people attended the event, and SAT members had to bring in more chairs and tables in order to make room for everyone who attended.

"I came because I heard it was a blast last year [and I] wanted to experience it myself," said Ryan Crossley, a freshman pre-occupational therapy major.

The biggest draw of the night was safe sex bingo. Students received bingo cards with words including STD's, sexual organs and safe sex practices.

The participants were then provided with penis-shaped macaroni pieces to use as bingo markers.

"Bingo sounded like something fun to do, and [to] learn about safe sex, plus I loved playing bingo when I was a kid, and now it's about sex," Katherine Smith, sophomore said.

Condom races were another activity that students could enjoy. Contestants were separated into teams where the goal was for each team member to correctly put on and remove a condom from a phallic symbol in a relay fashion.

SAT members began the competition by showing the correct way to apply a condom.

Carly Park, a freshman graphic design major attended the event and participated in the condom races.

"I felt a little stupid at first but it was a lot of fun," Park said. "It is very helpful for girls to know how to correctly use a condom."

There was also a pick-up line contest, in which the room was divided in half and the two teams competed to determine who could come up with the best pick-up line.

The competition eventually ended in a tie, with both finalists dividing the prizes.

The prizes for the night included several types of safe sex materials that were donated by Priscilla's and Planned Parenthood.

Molly Miller, finance and marketing sophomore and SAT vice president said Priscilla's and Planned Parenthood were happy to support the event and safe sex.

"[Safety in the Heat of the Moment] used to be referred to as safe sex bingo, we wanted it to be more welcoming, because it is not about sex," Miller said. "It is about education."

SAT decided to change the name because they did not want students to be intimidated by the thought that the event was only about promoting sex explained their president Shannon Morris.

"With the name change I think some people were still confused, but we also saw a lot of freshmen which is good," Morris said.

The night ended with a final raffle prize drawing where a male and female student were chosen from a hat to receive a grab bag put together by Priscilla's.

"Even if you aren't having sex now you will be able to make the right choices when you decide to make that choice," Miller said.


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