Charge dismissed against Ohioan once on death row

09/06/12 3:08 p.m.

CLEVELAND - An Ohio man who spent more than 21 years on death row is free after a judge dismissed the murder charge against him in a 1988 stabbing death.

A Cuyahoga County judge on Thursday dismissed the aggravated murder count against 62-year-old Michael Keenan after determining evidence that could have exonerated him was withheld from his trial attorneys.

A co-defendant was freed in 2010 by a judge citing the same reason.

Keenan was convicted twice of killing Tony Klann in a Cleveland park. Keenan's attorney says a priest who befriended the co-defendant helped uncover evidence favorable to both men.

A federal judge in April had ruled that Keenan must be retried or the verdict set side.


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