Wale cancels Saturday concert

Rapper Wale has canceled his planned concert at Ball State this weekend.

The event, planned for Saturday at John R. Emens Auditorium, was associated with Neely Fest. Neely Fest will still take place on Friday at the Delaware County Fairgrounds.

Bob Myers, director of Emens Auditorium, did not comment on why the show was canceled.

Inside Connections Marketing rented out Emens Auditorium for the concert.

"Through negotiations and contracts and the whole process, things just didn't really fit together obviously as easy as everybody had hoped for," Ian Mathews, president of ICM, said. "There's a death in his family. It just made it courteous and it just made it the right thing to do. And the timing just didn't really work out."

Tiara Thomas, a former Ball State student, was scheduled to open for Wale.

"Sorry about the concert ball state..keep wale and his family in your prayers..you never know what someone else is going through.." Thomas tweeted from her personal Twitter account.

From his personal Twitter account, Wale tweeted, "Rest in peace cuzzo we LOVE you," and "Life ain't fair...rest in peace Bo."

Myers said anyone who purchased tickets will receive a refund.

"We always regret when there's a show cancellation," Myers said. "We hope that that's a rare occurrence. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to reschedule this or a similar event in the future."


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