Muncie mayor issues weather alert

08/31/12 10:45 a.m.

With Tropical Storm Isaac's rain and strong winds approaching the Midwest, Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler has issued a weather alert for the city in anticipation of potential flooding from heavy rain.

Friday morning, several city departments met with the mayor to finalize a storm emergency plan.

"Personnel from each department will be working throughout the day cleaning drains, grates and streets throughout the neighborhoods in the City of Muncie in an effort to keep them open and flowing," according to a press release issued by the mayor's office.

To prepare for the weather, residents can pick up sandbags at #2 fire station at 12th St. and Hackley, The Northwest corner of the Delaware County Fairgrounds, Yorktown Fire Department and Hamilton Fire Department.

After 4 p.m., sandbags can be picked up at the Muncie Sanitary District, 811 E. Centennial, and the Old Bread Store across from the Pizza King on Jackson St.

"I want our taxpayers to know that the Emergency Management Crews and other departments will be doing everything necessary to assure their safety," Tyler said in the press release.

The mayor wants the community to stay alert for possible flooding and the strong winds that the storm could produce in the city.


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