Former Ball State professor named IBA president

After 22 years at Ball State, Joe Misiewicz is ready for retirement after leaving in May. To celebrate, he recently accepted a full-time position as president of Indiana Broadcasters Association.

"Dr. Joe," as he is called by students and faculty, is being acknowledged for his 14 years as an IBA board member after the announcement that the current president, Linda Compton, will retire.

IBA is a not-for-profit organization representing radio and television broadcasters of Indiana. Its members receive legal counsel, professional development and training and employee recruitment.

Before Ball State, Misiewicz taught at Central Missouri State and Eastern Michigan. He taught abroad in Berlin, Brazil, Taiwan and Austria as well. He said his past experience as an educator will help with the professional development aspect of the job.

"I think some of the training I might do will be similar, but I just miss the students a lot," he said.

Part of his job will also be representing broadcasters to the state and federal legislators.

"I am a lobbyist as well. I plan to continue those efforts for advocacy on behalf of broadcasters," Misiewicz said.

Gwen Piening, executive vice president of IBA, will work with the new president to make sure the transition is smooth. Misiewicz said he is glad that she will be there to help him adjust to the new position.

"I'm just really excited about it," Piening said. "I've known Dr. Joe for a long time, and this just works out really well. ... I'm getting to know him better, and he's just a great person."

The former telecommunications department chair said what he will miss the most about Ball State is the students.

"One thing that this does not do is put me in the classroom with incredibly wonderful students," he said. "I'll miss that part, but it does allow me to stay pretty close with a lot of the alumni ... and I think that will be fun."

Misiewicz said he wants students to remain in contact with him even though he has left campus.

"I'm always hoping that if students have ideas for the broadcast group that they'll forward them to me," he said. "I think this will allow me to keep at least a little bit of a tie to the college." 


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