Indiana Academy ranked by Newsweek, Daily Beast

The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities has been named one of the best high schools in the nation.

According to Newsweek and the Daily Beast's 2012 rankings, the academy was ranked as the second best high school in the state of Indiana, coming in right behind Evansville's Signature School.

The academy came in as 118th in the nation and 10th in the Midwest, touting a 100 percent graduation rate and an average SAT score of 1877. The institution also carries a 100 percent rate of college-bound graduates.

David Williams, executive co-director of the Indiana Academy said the academy has been ranked highly in the past, but this latest figure is the highest he has seen it in recent years.

The ranking, which is partially determined by Advanced Placement test scores and the amount of students who participate in those tests, is something Williams said is a smaller chunk of a bigger picture.

"Our curriculum, what we ask of our students, is so much more than a simple AP test," Williams said. "So, it measures this very narrow window of what students do, and our students do well."

A four-year graduation rate, college-acceptance rate and the number of high-level exams given per student were among six different criteria used to create the rankings.

The academy, which serves as a two-year residential high school program for approximately 300 gifted students, usually doesn't have an issue when it comes to recruiting students, Williams said.

"If it increases the number of interested students, that's a wonderful thing," he said.

Other Indiana high schools included on the list were Evansville's Signature School, Zionsville Community, Fishers, Carmel and Burris Laboratory School.

Williams doesn't think having the school ranked high on the list will make a difference in student interest.

"This is a place that most students know when you come here, this is probably the best school in the state in terms of broad curriculum and expectations," Williams said. 


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