Ball State students take home Emmys

Once again, Ball State telecommunications students came home with their arms full after the annual regional Emmy Awards Saturday night in Indianapolis.

Held inside the Pavillion at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Ball State students were nominated for 11 awards, and took home 6, 5 of which went to telecommunications students.

This brings the telecommunications department total number of Emmys up to 38 since 2000.

Lori Byers, associate dean of the College of Communication, Information, and Media said Ball State students being able to compete and win awards at this level speaks to the quality and sophistication of their work.

"They're competing in industry categories," Byers said. "So imagine being able to say you've won an Emmy competing against professionals as a student."

Ball Students competed against industry professionals from PBS, the University of Akron and WFYI.

Winning awards for Ball State CCIM were Kevin Grazioli, Andrew Bissonnette, Grant Keller, Joseph Vella and Derek Cox. They received Emmys for their work in the Health/Science and Community/Public Service categories. They also won awards for their work in directing, lighting and photography.

Vella earned three Emmys this year, adding to the four that he had won in previous years.

Student Brent Allred also received an Emmy for his musical composition/arrangement created during his time at the Virginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry. This is the 4th Emmy the Virgina Ball Center has won.

Students involved with the center spend an entire semester of credit working on one project.

Most of the Emmys that have been won by telecommunications students have been for work done for immersive learning classes or student media.

"It really speaks to the importance of supporting student media and the importance of supporting smaller class sizes and more intensive project based learning," Byers said 
