Two arrested at Late Nite Carnival

It wasn't all fun and games at the annual Late Nite Carnival.

University police officers arrested two people and cited five others at the yearly event held in the north commuter lot on Saturday.

In addition to the arrests and citations at the carnival, UPD arrested seven and issued 13 citations throughout the weekend.

Thirteen of the citations were given in reference to minor consumption and possession of marijuana or paraphernalia.

UPD Chief Gene Burton said these numbers aren't necessarily significant considering the amount of people who attend the carnival.

According to statistics provided by Late Nite Administration Coordinator Kelsey McPheeters, 6,383 people attended the Late Nite Carnival. Approximately 5,200 of those participants were Ball State students and the other 1,100 were guests.

"The carnival was a successful event, and I don't think you can look at the numbers of the people that we contacted or gave citations to as an indication of the vast majority of the participants at the carnival," Burton said.

In 2011, UPD arrested six people during the weekend of the carnival. Three were arrested in 2010.

Burton said weather is a contributing factor in these cases, with seemingly less arrests happening in worse weather.

UPD had nine officers at the carnival, and Burton said they were not searching for trouble, but were merely there for assistance.

"If necessary, they're there if there's a subject causing trouble," Burton said. "The arrests made at the carnival ... there was a problem, and they responded to the problem." 


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