Time tickets for registration begin this week

A new course registration system opens today for some students and continues through the next several days, based on criteria, such as class standing, and affiliations, such as being a student athlete or a member of the Honors College.

Registrar Nancy Cronk said this isn't very different from the previous system. The process just takes place over a longer period of time.

The new registration is available through the My BSU Web page, which also includes financial aid and student employee information. It's part of the new Self-Service Banner system that was implemented this fall and helps streamline various information online, instead of allowing professors or content managers to modify the format.

Students received emails on Monday that explain when their time tickets will become available and how to sign up for classes. The new system will take effect in the fall and does not apply to summer registration.

Students who have applied to graduate next fall or spring have the highest priority for scheduling. Behind that are students with disabilities and those who are on the "Degree in Three" fast track to graduation. Honors students and athletes have the next priority, and then regular class standing takes effect, from graduate students to freshmen.

Cronk mentioned one more way to get your name at the top of the list. Last spring, the university announced that students who filled out course evaluations would be placed in a drawing for a free iPad2. Eight students earned the new Apple product, and 30 more would receive special priority for course registration; those 30 students will be the first to sign up for classes this morning.

The new registration system eliminates the course shopping cart, allowing students to create a schedule in real time. Cronk said she encourages students to meet with their academic advisers to make sure they're signing up for the courses they need to complete their major.

While course registration opens for different students throughout the week, it doesn't close until the Add/Drop period in August, Cronk said.


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