DeHority Complex to host Box City event

Children dream of sleeping in the backyard. On Friday, Ball State students will relive that dream.

DeHority Complex's third annual Box City event will start at 5 p.m. Registration will conclude at 9 p.m., when the building will begin.

Senior psychology major Hunter Lambright said he's looking forward to the event and will be heading the event.

"I participated in it my freshman year and I've been apart of it ever since," Lambright said.

Box City has been an event on campus even before DeHority Complex was renovated in 2009.

The event will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank with the donation of canned foods from students. In exchange for food, students will receive boxes and duct tape to begin the construction of their very own box house.

The canned foods that go to Second Harvest will benefit not just Muncie residents, but people all over Delaware County, said the director of Agency Relations and Program Development at Second Harvest.

"We will put it on our trucks and send it out to different agencies or when they come in to pick up their orders, they can get some of the assorted food through the food drives," Erin Rockhill, the director, said. "There are about 40 in Delaware County."

The canned foods benefit food ministries as well as child care centers.

"There are the food ministries like Salvation Army, Community Shepherds, Food Pantry in Gaston, Friends Memorial and Abundant Life," Rockhill said. "Then we also work with childcare centers that have at least 50 percent low income kids. So that would be United Day Care Center, Huffer Memorial Children's Center [and] the Head Start programs. We also work with Harvest soup kitchen and Blood and Fire Ministries and A Better Way."

While the event is meant to help out those in need, it's also a good way to have fun before the end of the Spring Semester.

"We're going all night and the [Late Nite] Carnival isn't," Lambright said. "We know we're putting up with a lot of competition from a big event on campus but we'll be there all night, and we'd love to see people show up - maybe stake a claim with their box house, go enjoy the carnival, come back and start building."

Throughout the night, there will also be prizes for the best houses, an open mic stage and a soup kitchen.


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