Student arrested at Bracken Library was attempting to steal books

A woman arrested on the third floor of Bracken Library on Tuesday night was attempting to steal a couple books by removing the bar codes located on the inside covers, according to a University Police Department arrest report.

The report identified the woman as freshman Lindsay Taylor. 

Taylor was questioned by UPD officers and admitted to the thefts, according to the report.

Suzanne Rice, assistant dean for public services, said situations like this are rare.

"We do do take security issues seriously, and this is just an example of that," Rice said. "We want to maintain as safe an environment as possible and also be good stewards of the resources that are entrusted to us. "

Danny Delaney, a freshman telecommunications major, said he saw two police officers and a library employee with the woman.

"After a few minutes, a female police [officer] came by, and she was looking through some of the trash containers," he said.

He said the student was then escorted out of Bracken.

Multiple Twitter users posted pictures of the two officers and the handcuffed suspect waiting by the elevator.

Freshman telecommunications major Chloe Anagnos said seeing the student get arrested in a place she reserves for studying was startling.

"I just thought it was kind of scary because I've never seen someone get arrested at Ball State," she said. "I was kind of used to seeing people getting arrested at my high school."

"You see a lot of kids who get into fights but you don't really see that here at Ball State - especially on a floor where I'm doing school work and I'm studying. "

UPD Sgt. Terrell Smith said the case is still under investigation.


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