Star of America offering Super Bowl Village shuttles

Star of America will be offering shuttle services from Ball State's campus to go to the Super Bowl Village from Thursday to Saturday.

The shuttles will pick students up and drop them off in front of the L.A. Pittenger Student Center, according to the Star of America Website. The round trip costs $25.

"I think if [students] want to go to the Super Bowl, this is an inexpensive way to go, instead of having to pay to park and find a parking space," Cindy Shields, Star of America employee, said. "And gas is expensive. I think it's a good deal."

The shuttle service normally runs every day and is usually busier for students on breaks and holidays, Shields said.

"This is kind of an unusual event," she said. "It's just to get people transportation to get there. We have the busses so that's what we're doing. It's kind of a special thing."

Star of America is also sending busses to Purdue and Indiana University. To book a shuttle, visit 


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