Alpha Tau Omega members are doing their part to spread awareness about prostate cancer by hosting a cornhole event on Sunday.
The men of Alpha Tau Omega will host the cornhole tournament in Gym 2 of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. The entry fee for the tournament is $16 per team and the games will begin at 11 a.m.
Not only will the event raise awareness for the cause, but also all of the proceeds from the tournament will go directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
"Every 2.2 minutes another man is diagnosed with prostate cancer," Colin Warner, Alpha Tau Omega chapter president, said. "As fraternity men, we understand this affects our grandfathers, fathers and maybe one day, might affect one of us. There's no better time than now to take action in the fight against prostate cancer."
The idea to raise awareness through a cornhole tournament was due to the popularity of the game as well as the surprising connection to the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
"The Prostate Cancer Foundation slogan is ‘Take Aim,' so we thought that it would be a good idea to have a cornhole tournament to kind of play on that," sophomore public relations major Michael Leffler said.
Given the recent causes advocating prostate cancer, Alpha Tau Omega concluded that the idea to host an event like this would be timely and relevant to health concerns of other brothers, Leffler said.
"When we were coming up with ideas for a philanthropic event, we were researching different things and we noticed that last month was prostate cancer awareness month," he said. "So we knew it would be a great way to raise money for a great cause."
Not only does entering the tournament aid prostate cancer research, but also the top four teams will win Jimmy John's sub sandwiches. The grand prize is yet to be decided.
Many of the brothers in the fraternity had already been participating in prostate cancer-related causes, such as "Movember," a fundraiser where individuals chose not to shave their mustaches throughout the course of November. The fraternity brothers then uploaded the photos to the "Movember" website where viewers could donate money based on the growth of the select mustaches.
The proceeds the members have raised from "Movember" were donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation as well as the Livestrong Foundation.
"I have participated in ‘Movember' for a few years," John Towle, leadership consultant for Alpha Tau Omega, said. "It is important for us to find ways to make an impact, not just locally but nationally as well."