Cummins plans building giant engine in Southern Indiana

SEYMOUR, Ind. — Cummins Inc. has revealed a new 4,000-horsepower high-speed diesel engine that will be built at one of its southern Indiana factories.

Cummins executives showed off the 16-cylinder QSK95 engine during a ceremony Tuesday at the company's Seymour Engine Plant. The engine is about 8 feet high and 14 feet long, with uses in passenger and freight locomotives, boats, mining trucks and offshore oil and gas platforms.

The Seymour Tribune reports Cummins President Tom Linebarger says production work is expected to start next year and build to full production in 2015. About 200 engineering and production jobs are expected to be added over that time.

The Indianapolis Star reports the new engines are expected to sell for about $500,000. 


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