Missing construction deadlines could lead to financial penalties for contractors

Construction workers are under the wire to get the McKinley/Riverside project wrapped up by Aug. 6. If they don't, the Indiana Department of Transportation could knock at least $5,000 off Ball State's bill for the project.

The penalty of $5,000 a day is part of a liquidated damages clause. It's built in to the contracts for the McKinley/Riverside project and the North Quad and Studebaker East Complex renovations.

Jim Lowe, director of Facilities Planning and Management, said it could lead to a change order — a difference in the overall cost of the project.

"It goes against the account for the project, which means a decrease to the money paid for the contractor," he said.

Workers are on the job from about 5 a.m. to sundown Monday through Saturday to ensure the project gets done on time. The roads have to be completely paved and functional by midnight Aug. 6 in order to escape the penalty, but the couple days following the deadline may be used for cleanup, Lowe said.

"The street project is monitored weekly, if not on site daily," he said.

Lowe said he's on vacation this week in Fort Collins, Col., but he's still able to keep track of the construction and renovation projects through webcams views from the Ball State website.

He said paving will start Monday after dark and new layers will be added throughout the week.

The timeframe for the project is 88 days, so Lowe said it's important to resolve any issues immediately.

One example took place Monday morning when a worker laying geothermal pipes hit a gas line near the Cow Path behind the Ball Communication Building.

Rod Brooks, general manager at the Atrium food court, said the gas lines were down from about 8:45 to 10:30 a.m. He was able to make adjustments for food preparation, but the pizza oven couldn't be used until the gas line was back in use.


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