Diversity lecture to focus on culture

The Diversity Lecture Series will continue tonight with "Cultural Rhythms and Design."

Family and Consumer Sciences professor Thelma Lazo-Flores will discuss how culture and design weave together.

"In parallel, cultures consume or use design in the forms of products and interior environments that codify who we are," she said. "Both conjectures then present a new dimension of diversity in our society."

Lazo-Flores' talking points will include design in relation to how it shapes the human environment, how design redefines people's concepts of privacy and comfort and design's use in communication.

People tend to think black and white as diversity, Charles Payne, assistant provost for diversity, said. The lecture will give people a comprehensive view because it shows the impact culture has on how people see the world.

"[Culture] influences our world view," he said.

Lazo-Flores' lecture is at 7 p.m. tonight in Teacher's College room 102.


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