Between noon and 4 p.m. Friday, judges will be going around to the residence halls and faculty departments to see who has the most spirited Homecoming decorations.
Two judging teams will visit the contestants, one for faculty and one for residents. The teams will be made up of three judges on the Homecoming Steering Committee.
Brittney Williams, faculty and staff chairwoman, said the steering committee enjoys judging the decorations.
"This one is fun, because we are the judges rather than someone else," she said.
Residence halls and faculty departments had to sign up by Sept. 23 to qualify for decoration judging.
Ten residence halls are participating: Schmidt/Wilson, Woody/Shales, Mysch/Hurst, Knotts/Edwards, Brayton/Clevenger, Woodworth Complex, Park Hall, Baker/Klipple, Studebaker West and Kinghorn Hall.
The 10 faculty offices that have entered the contest are Unified Technical Support and Tech Time; Center for Media Design and Emerging Media Initiative; the Daily News; Miller College of Business Student Services; University Advancement; Career Center; Bursar and Load Administration; Nursing; Office of Student Life; and Indiana Academy Office of Admissions.
Joey Box, residence hall chairman, said the criteria is centered around the theme of "Rock the Red."
"It is all based on school spirit, being different and the usage of the theme," Box said. "It all has to be rock related in some way."
All entrants decorating are able to win food prizes. The residence hall winner will win a pizza party for up to 30 residents. The faculty department winner will win lunch for the office.
The winners will be announced Monday during the Opening Ceremony along with the Faculty Homecoming king and queen.