The minimum number of credits required for graduation is currently 126 hours, but that number may drop to 120 hours if the potential change goes through the Board of Trustees.
At Thursday's University Senate meeting, chairman Eric Kelly tried to get this change in motion. He said the proposal has been approved by the Senate and its final step for ratification is to go through the Board of Trustees.
"And I am sure the Board of Trustees will approve it," Kelly said.
There are still some details to work out if the plan passes, including when it would go into effect and who it would apply to.
Kelly said there are currently students whose major requires only 120 hours, and in order to graduate the students must take six more hours, according to information from Marilyn Buck, associate provost and dean of University College.
It's time to get rid of the 126-hours rule, Kelly said.
If the change passes, there would be no change in the current curriculum, only in the number of hours. Departments would still be allowed to require 126 hours or more to graduate, but if a major required only 120 hours, the student would be eligible to graduate with that new minimum.