Smoking washer sets off Woodworth fire alarm

Smoke flowing out of a laundry room in Woodworth Complex caused a scare Wednesday as fire alarms forced everyone outside.

Students in the dining area and residence hall were asked to walk outside while firefighters arrived at the building and searched for the cause of the smoke.

Capt. Brian Manship said they found a smoking washer. He said the smoke had spread out through the residence hall and around the lobby on the first floor.

Freshman Japanese major Alex Van Gorp said he and a friend, sophomore music education major Adelle Dorant, were having dinner when they heard the fire alarm go off. The students said they were not sure about what exactly had triggered the alarm.

"It came out of nowhere and we didn't know what was happening," Van Gorp said. "We heard from a Woodworth resident that a dryer had caught fire."

Firefighters placed a fan at the doorway to ventilate the area in the lobby. After 10 minutes, a firefighter went back inside to make sure the halls were clean from the smoke and a residence hall director came out from Woodworth to give the all-clear.

Van Gorp and Dorant left their food to go outside and wait for the firefighters to check the building.


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